Monday, June 6, 2011

Another Day, Another Lesson

You would think that once you learned a lesson the hard way, you would never make that mistake again. You would be wrong.

Saturday was a difficult day. I have been blessed to not have had many difficult days this year. But, being the the kind of person that I am (the "I can do it all myself" kind of person), I was trying to do two different jobs at work, and failing miserably (unfortunately, it took a while before I saw my failure... wishful thinking?). Just when I thought that I could do it all on my own, I realized what a mess I was making of everything. This was not a joyous revelation. Trying to keep back tears, I started praying (which I should have been doing all along). God reminded me of  Matthew West's song "Strong Enough". Here are the lyrics:

 "I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not strong enough.
Hands of mercy won't you cover me?
Lord right now I'm asking You to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
For the both of us."


Pretty powerful reminder.
So after sending a plea heaven-ward, and after texting my mommy (thank goodness for my mom~ she can make everything seem better!), the day went a little better. I placed it in God's hands, and finally asked someone for help. And ya know what? The day ended a whole lot better than it started!

I learned my lesson. Again. Hopefully this time, it will stick: because I am going back into work today...

*You can listen to a clip of the song "Strong Enough" on the Amazon music player an the top right of this blog :)

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