Every kid's favorite word. Summer is the definition of free time, games, relaxation, NO school, projects, or work. Spending all day doing absolutely nothing - and loving it. This lovely word, summer, no longer holds such wonderful things when you have just completed high school. To tell you the truth (and why wouldn't I?), I was not looking forward to this summer - for after summer comes COLLEGE (<- this is a scary word). And during summer, I was going to have to go through some, uh, interesting changes. Like join the College class, carry a new position at jcp (I do love working there, really I do... most of the time), go on my first missions trip, and officially graduate from High school (all the way in FL... that's another story). But through wise leaders, caring parents, and, of course, some deep discussions with my Savior, I believe that I am ready to take this giant leap into the unknown... because it really is not unknown. My Lord has had this planned for me since the creation of the world. And when I think of that, well... my fear seems pretty ridiculous.
All this free time (well, it is not a gigantic amount of free time...) has me going slightly mad - as in crazy. So I began the search for summer projects... and, boy, does the verse "seek and ye shall find" come true here. I have organized and re-contact-papered our kitchen cabinets, organized all the bookshelves, cleaned out under my bed (...this was quite interesting...), and did some much needed yard work. Lots of little jobs that kind of slip by in the grand scheme of things (like, work, school, and life in general). I believe that this will be my most productive, if not busiest, summer yet.
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